Here I share with you links to people- writers, artists, healers, activists, yogis who have touched my life. This page is a constant work in progress. – To say that Jyoti Apa is a dance teacher is like saying that I go for a weekly dance class. My spirit dances like a whirling dervish and sometimes it turns cartwheels in front of me. Jyoti Apa teaches me how to express that joy in my body. – I taught yoga at this studio in Berkeley but this is not just a yoga studio. This is one of those unique places where every person is welcomed for who they are, where research is constantly done into how the mind, body, breath connection can help in healing. Niroga reaches out to the communities to serve them. I learnt and still learn how to live from Bidyut Bose, one of the founders of Niroga. – I first Marilyn four years ago. Still unable to move too well after the accident, she was one of the first people who showed me that grace, skill and strength can all be combined in one. – Some artists are self contained. Amit da as I call him is one of them. Better known as a writer, I listened to a recording of him singing recently and his voice was an antidote to the rather trying day I was having. I also had the privilege of studying with him at the University of East Anglia Writing Workshop 2015 in Kolkata .