Update- Blogging From India is now Blogging From London. A lot has happened since I had started this blog. In the time that has flowed beneath the bridge, we have moved back from India to California to Seattle to London. Today an intro to myself would skip all that I had written years ago. There is only one word now. Flâneuse. With all the meanings of the persons I have been that have flowed beneath the bridge too, we are now for sure wanderers in the spaces we inhabit.
My name is Chandra . I have had different last names ; nowadays I prefer to just be Chandra, the name of my birth. I live in Berkeley, California with my husband and three children. I have been an immigrant for 11 years and we are finally taking the step this year to come back and live in India. In my experience as a wife and a mother, I have found it difficult to retain my sense of self. I am further lost in the melee of foreignness that one encounters every day in my adopted country. And now my old country is a new country and potentially foreign. Along with the possibilities of finding myself and making new homes, I have found myself lost in translation, quite literally. This sejour in India, this return to one’s center of familiarity and comfort are in a way a form of escape but on a deeper level an occasion for hope and optimism that it is never too late to find oneself.
Lovely pic!
Sangeeta Mall, loving your book Cloud 9 minus one. Whenever we met, you have been unassuming and real. Such a pleasure to have met.
Lovely reading your blog Chandra. Great that you are writing despite your hectic schedule. Very inspiring!
Thank you Archana. I just went to your blog – https://thesepeoplehere.wordpress.com/ and settling down to read it.
Magnifiques photos! et j’apprends beaucoup de choses de la culture indienne.
Ca renforce mon envie d’y aller.
Grosses bises à tous (et surtout à Asheema).
Keep up the French!
Asheema commence l’ecole aujourd’hui. Les filles vont commencer les cours de francais a alliance Francais aussi aujourd’hui. Tom et moi, on parlez que vous avez installer en elle la curiosite´, le vouloir de savoir des choses, l’interet en apprendre. On parle encore a propos des monuments et elle veut absolument aller a Burj Kalifa. On a promis qu’on y ira. We miss you and are very grateful for all the work you did with her. Please do stay in touch and thank you for reading 🙂
Bises, Chandra